Monday, June 29, 2009


Hi Friends! Sorry for the delay in posts! I spent the past week in the Northern corner of Mn (without internet)! My parents live there and I was up to visit and help them prepare for the wedding reception they were hosting for me and my new hubby! The reception was on Friday...beautiful morning followed by sheets of rain, tornado warnings, more, more, and more rain. I think the final total was 4 inches of rain within a 5 hour time span. YIKES! Someone said that rain on a wedding day means wealth!!! WE SHOULD BE SET! :) HA! I am keeping my fingers crossed!

While "up north", I wasn't able to do any sewing! AH!!! It was weird not to work on crafty stuff! I did make it to a fabric shop and bought light pink, hot pink, purple, teal, and green tulle for more tutus! I can't wait to make them!

For those who visited my booth at Thursdays on First....THANK YOU! I had so much fun visiting with everyone! My next Thursday will be July 9th! I am making lots of new items! Stop by again and see me! I would love to chat with you again!

Have a great Monday!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Come One! Come ALL!

Hi all!

Tomorrow is the big day! My first day at the Thursday's on First market! Come check it out! My stand will be on 1st...just a few tents away from Newt's restaurant. I have my fingers crossed for NO RAIN!!! Stop by and say hello!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A tutu for you...a tutu for me!

When I was a little girl, I loved three things: 1. digging in the dirt, 2. reading, 3. playing dress-up! I wasn't really a Barbie girl...didn't really like dolls. BUT...get me a pile of old clothes and I was in heaven! I LOVED to dress up and do my hair funny ways. To bring me back to my inner child, I made this tutu for my little friend, Kai! She is 10 months old and is going to look so cute! I can't wait to give it to her! Stay tuned for photos!

I used sparkle tulle for the project and love how the tutu shimmers! The tutu is secured around the child's waist by tying a 1 1/2 inch satin ribbon...

I think all little girls should have a tutu! Don't you?!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer Fun!

As many of you know, my full time gig is teaching. I work with the school district's littlest kiddos...the B-2 population! I LOVE it! However, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE summer vacation. Even though I have to work a few days in the summer, today officially kicks off my summer vacation and I couldn't be happier! This will give me endless, uninterrupted hours of sewing and more sewing! AHHH....pure bliss! I have been dreaming about waking at 5am, going for a quick run, and then immediately firing up the coffee pot and sewing machine! Hooray!

PS. This is a ribbon blanket. It is a smaller version of a "favorite" blanket that children can take with them on the go! It is also great for playing peek-a-boo and the contrasting black and white is visually stimulating for infants!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Wedding Aprons!

I have so many friends getting married this summer and wanted to make fun shower gifts!

After much deliberation, I decided on aprons! I found this beautiful fabric and thought it would be perfect for a reversible apron!

My favorite part is the stitching detail around the edge and straps!

Thursday, June 4, 2009 wonderful friends!

My friends are the best! They have been so supportive of my crazy business venture! I say crazy mostly because of the time of year that I started this fun. As a teacher, the spring is the craziest, busiest, time of year. I am constantly busy with meetings, testing, writing special education plans etc. It takes a lot of my time "outside" of school to get it all done. Then adding all my sewing time, equals a lack of sleep/spare time! Enough about me..

My friend Jill is so fun! I think she might be the most positive person I have ever met! She never stops smiling and laughing! Jill called me the other day and put in an order for a few baby goods! She is hosting a baby shower this weekend for a "green" friendly mom to be...and wanted an organic cotton bib/burp cloth for a special homemade gift! She also wanted a super cute girly bib/burp cloth. Here's what I made! The yellow bib has organic cotton on the back! Check out the special stitching that my new sewing machine can do! I love the little leaf pattern!