Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer Fun!

As many of you know, my full time gig is teaching. I work with the school district's littlest kiddos...the B-2 population! I LOVE it! However, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE summer vacation. Even though I have to work a few days in the summer, today officially kicks off my summer vacation and I couldn't be happier! This will give me endless, uninterrupted hours of sewing and more sewing! AHHH....pure bliss! I have been dreaming about waking at 5am, going for a quick run, and then immediately firing up the coffee pot and sewing machine! Hooray!

PS. This is a ribbon blanket. It is a smaller version of a "favorite" blanket that children can take with them on the go! It is also great for playing peek-a-boo and the contrasting black and white is visually stimulating for infants!

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